Your are fobbed off with "contact the bailiffs"

If the council redirects you to the bailiffs, remember that you're not compelled to engage with a third party by law.

Instead, suggest that the council contacts you again once the bailiff has relinquished the liability order. Once the bailiff returns the case to the council, you're no longer liable for the £310 fees.

If you have outstanding debt, consider settling it directly with the council to nullify the enforcement power, or take appropriate measures to safeguard yourself from bailiffs.

Bailiffs tasked with collecting council tax operate under an enforcement power known as a liability order. This authority does not grant them permission to forcibly enter premises, employ locksmiths, or use physical force against individuals. As long as your door remains securely locked and none of your vehicles are parked outside, you're in a secure position. If the bailiff fails to recover the funds or remove goods within 90 days, they return the case to the town hall administration.