Get Your Court Fine Paid By An Attachment Of Earnings Or Benefits

Paragraphs 8(2) and 26(2) of Schedule 5 of the Courts Act 2003 enable you to stop bailiff action and their fees by either claiming a benefit or starting paid employment and then applying to the fines officer at the sentencing court for an attachment of an earnings order or a benefit deduction.

Simply download and complete Form MC100 and file it to the sentencing court for the attention of the fines officer. The fines officer will proceed with making the order.

If you are claiming a benefit, such as Universal Credit, then Paragraph 8(2) of Schedule 5 of the Courts Act 2003 states the fines officer must make a benefit deduction.

If you are employed, Paragraph 26(2) of Schedule 5 of the Courts Act 2003 states the fines officer must apply the attachment of the earnings order.

If the fines officer fails to fulfil their legal obligation under Paragraph 8(2) or Paragraph 26(2) or tells you he cannot withdraw a Warrant of Control after instructing bailiffs, you have the right to escalate the issue for the breach. You can do this by making a Stage 1 Formal Complaint for breach of Paragraph 8 or Paragraph 26 of Schedule 5 of the Courts Act 2003.

Template: Email the fines officer make an attachment of earnings or a Deduction from benefits. Include a completed form MC100