Clear and precise about bailiff matters - Your hired gun for chasing away bailiffs!

1. See how to Stop The Bailiff Action

2. Redress Unlawful Bailiff Action

3. Car towed? Run this Enforcement Compliance Check

4. Still have a problem? Legal Helpline

I founded National Bailiff Advice as a free online resource for those wronged by rogue bailiffs and non-compliant enforcement actions. We guide you through claiming damages and compensation, from gathering evidence to filing claims and successfully written off debts, including court fines, High Court writs, council tax, and traffic debts.

Previous governments have avoided establishing an official bailiff watchdog, as the government and councils benefit from bailiff actions, which has allowed the enforcement industry to breach regulations with little accountability, often receiving preferential treatment from police.

We receive no public funding, providing impartial help that official debt advice charities cannot offer due to funding restrictions. Unlike these charities, which often set up payment plans and sell debt-management products, National Bailiff Advice offers the legal expertise needed to address non-compliant enforcement.

Recognising that every case is unique, we offer tailored services and expertise to handle and, in many cases, eliminate bailiff-enforced debt. Our dedicated bailiff solicitors specialise in breached enforcement cases, working to overcome court biases and securing successful claims.

We also propose cases to the Bar Pro-Bono Unit, enabling student lawyers to enhance their experience and success portfolios. Trust our team to fight for your rights with expertise and dedication.

Jason Bennison

Media Enquiries

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Your Bailiff FAQ

I'm expecting bailiffs soon; how can I protect my home and vehicle?

Government departments and councils require bailiffs to return cases within 90 days if unsuccessful, but bailiff companies may request up to 180 days if recovery seems possible. More.

Can bailiffs break into my home with a locksmith?

Bailiffs may use a locksmith for evictions, installing pre-paid meters, or collecting HMRC debt, but this is rare due to high risks and potential damage claims. More.

A bailiff unexpectedly clamped my car. Can I cut it off?

Section 1 of the Criminal Damage Act 1971 criminalises unlawful property damage, but Section 5 provides a defence if a lawful excuse can be shown. More.

A bailiff unexpectedly took my vehicle; how can I recover it and claim damages?

Call 999 to report a stolen vehicle; if a bailiff is involved, ask for the responsible council or authority, and Greater London residents should contact TRACE at 0845 206 8602, 24/7. More.

The bailiff says I must collect my vehicle from their compound; how should I prepare?

Bailiffs are liable for damage to your vehicle after removal, but you must report the damage immediately upon retrieval to avoid complications in claiming. More.

How do I pay the debt to reclaim my vehicle and then recover damages?

The Pay & Reclaim procedure lets you recover assets from bailiffs by paying first, then reclaiming money, damages, and costs through the court. More.

The bailiff was tooled up in police-like body armour and a body-worn camera. Can I get the recordings?

You can request the bailiff's body-worn camera recordings, and if refused, apply to the court for disclosure and your legal expenses. More.

A bailiff took money I don’t owe. How can I request a chargeback from my bank?

You can request a chargeback from your bank to recover money if a bailiff misleads you into a wrongful payment or breaches enforcement provisions. More.

How do I bring a bailiff to court?

After confirming an actionable enforcement breach, direct your legal action against the creditor named on the Warrant of Control, Liability Order, or High Court Writ. More.

I called a bailiff company. How can I obtain a copy of the conversation for evidence?

Always use email to communicate with bailiff companies to maintain a durable record for potential legal evidence. More.

The bailiff forced his way into my door. Can I claim damages?

A bailiff using force against a door or person breaches multiple laws, invalidating all subsequent actions. More.

Does the Warrant of Control or Writ need a Wet-Ink signature?

A Warrant of Control or Liability Order doesn’t need a "wet ink" signature, but the bailiff’s enforcement certificate must be court-signed and sealed, you have a right to inspect it. More.

A bailiff demands a 'Capital Contribution Order'. How can I stop the enforcement?

A Capital Contribution Order covers legal fees, and an Interest Contribution Order requires periodic income payments, both governed by the Criminal Defence Service (Contribution Orders) Regulations 2009. More.

I am vulnerable; what protection do I have against enforcement?

Bailiffs must leave if only a vulnerable person or child under 12 is present and allow vulnerable debtors time to seek advice. If not, they can't recover fees, or the debtor can recover them. More.

The bailiff removed my exempt goods. How can I recover them and claim damages?

If bailiffs take or clamp exempt goods, you can reclaim them and stop their sale. Paragraph 4 of the 2013 regulations lists these exempt items. More.

The bailiff clamped my hire purchase vehicle. How can I get it removed and claim damages?

Bailiffs cannot clamp or take leased or hire purchase vehicles, as they don’t belong to the debtor until purchased. More.

The bailiff overcharged me. What action should I take and how can I claim damages?

Before applying for a Detailed Assessment of fees under regulation 16 and Civil Procedure Rule 84.16, let the bailiff rectify or refund any overcharges. More.

Bailiffs said they’d use an ANPR camera to trace my vehicle. Is this legal?

Bailiff companies use 'drive-by' ANPR clamping to locate and remove vehicles with unpaid traffic fines, but this method risks the enforcement authority to a claim for damages. More.

A bailiff or their company is sending nuisance texts. How can I stop them?

Block and report he sender, delete the text, avoid links and apps from bailiff companies. More.

A bailiff left a threatening document on my door. Should I be concerned?

Bailiffs leave documents in letterboxes or doorways to see if anyone retrieves them or calls the number. More.

Bailiffs keep mentioning the 'Data Protection Act'. What does it mean?

When a bailiff cites the "Data Protection Act" to dismiss a query, enforcement is jeopardised since Regulation 7 of the 2013 Regulations requires disclosure of the debt's origin. More.

I'm going bankrupt, and bailiffs are harassing me for a debt listed in my PIBQ.

In bankruptcy, non-essential items worth over £1,000 may be used to pay creditors, but sentimental items like jewellery, artwork, and heirlooms are protected. More.

I'm in prison. Can bailiffs still take enforcement action against me?

Bailiffs cannot enforce debts against anyone in prison. More.

Do bailiffs or their firms have a trade association?

Bailiff companies handle their own complaints and, if dismissed, refer you to CIVEA or HCEOA to deflect blame and discourage complaints. More.

Can you provide a list of bailiff-related laws, regulations, and precedents?

Here is a list: More.

How do I make a formal complaint about a bailiff?

Filing a formal complaint about a bailiff’s fitness is free and simple. Attendance is optional but helpful, as the bailiff must attend and can be cross-examined. More.

How can I stop a bailiff from enforcing a debt against me that’s not mine?

If bailiffs clamp or take your vehicle or money for another’s debt, you can reclaim them and stop the sale. More.

How do I report a bailiff crime to the police?

Report crimes online to your local police, detailing the crime and suspect. For imminent danger or assaults, call 999. More.

How do I claim personal injury after being assaulted by a bailiff?

Dial 999 reporting a medical emergency. Report to the police, file a personal injury claim, and you can seek damages. More.

How can I get the CPS to drop charges related to a bailiff offence?

If arrested for a bailiff-related offence, you can defend yourself if the bailiff acted unlawfully and may sue the police for false arrest or unlawful imprisonment. More.

The police said the bailiff crime is a 'civil matter.' What does that mean?

A police buzzword for a crime they avoid investigating, though it may still meet criminal legislation and CPS guidelines. More.

How can I start a private prosecution against a bailiff?

Engaging a solicitor ensures your case is prepared, evidence gathered, and consent obtained for a summons or arrest warrant in a private prosecution. More.

Bailiffs arrived with a TV crew. How can I prevent the recordings from being broadcast?

If a bailiff visits with a TV crew, under the Data Protection Act 2018, you can demand the production company destroy all the recordings. More.

A bailiff stole valuables without listing them. Can I report this theft to the police?

Bailiffs often commit crimes like robbery and distraction burglary, knowing police dismissing these as civil matters due to a belief that bailiffs are above the law. More.

How do I approach the media to expose corrupt bailiffs and their firms?

Journalists will investigate bailiffs who wronged you or dismissed your complaint. Former bailiffs with insider knowledge can expose corruption to prompt change. More.

How do I fight a private parking ticket?

Private companies may issue Parking Charge Notices for parking on private property, but these are not official fines and do not carry the same legal authority as local authority-issued Penalty Charge Notices. More.

Why do bailiffs label a payment 'voluntary' when it was made under threat of removing goods?

Bailiffs mark money transfers as "Paid Voluntarily" to prevent recovery. Courts only order refunds for money taken under duress or threat of goods removal. More.

A bailiff photographed my valuables and documents. Am I at risk of burglary?

Report to the police if a bailiff photographs your valuables. You can also request the destruction of these photos under the Data Protection Act 2018. More.

Did the bailiff or police breaching regulations by snatching my keys from me or my car?

Bailiffs cannot take control of a vehicle in use, as it breaches Regulation 10(2) of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013. More.

The bailiff refused to show proof of identity and enforcement power. What can I do?

A bailiff who refuses to show valid ID or presents fake credentials is acting unlawfully, breaching Paragraph 26 of Schedule 12 of the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007. More.

Can the bailiff charge interest on the judgment debt, and can I recover it?

Bailiffs may recover interest on a CCJ or High Court Writ only at trhe rate set by the court. More.

How can I obtain a copy of the bailiff's 999 call?

If a bailiff calls the police, check the incident report on the police CAD to see what the bailiff reported. More.

Is it fraud if the bailiff claims to be an officer?

Bailiffs, though calling themselves "officers" or "High Court Enforcement Officers," are just Enforcement Agents and are acting fraudulently. More.

What regulations govern when bailiffs can attend in haste?

Bailiffs must wait at least seven clear business days before taking control of goods, excluding Sundays and public holidays. You can apply for their return if they don’t. More.

Is the bailiff committing an offence if he lacks a valid enforcement certificate on the public register?

Acting as a bailiff without a valid certificate is an offence punishable by a fine up to level 5 on the standard scale. More.

Can bailiffs enforce a debt against someone living abroad?

Enforcement applies only to debtors in England and Wales. Debtors residing abroad but with goods in England and Wales still require a Notice of Enforcement. More.

Can I recover repair costs and replace missing valuables if my car was damaged by bailiffs?

If a bailiff takes your car, they are liable for damage. Report any issues immediately to claim repairs and avoid blame. More.

What can I do if I’m living in fear from bailiffs?

Section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998 states that if a public authority breaches the European Convention on Human Rights by recovering debts improperly, victims can seek an injunction. More.

Can I claim compensation for damage to my business reputation caused by bailiffs?

To claim damages for defamation or business reputation loss due to bailiff actions, compare sales receipts from before and after the incident to show loss and causation. More.

Can I sue for damages if bailiffs visit my home for a company debt I’m not responsible for?

Bailiffs can’t pursue directors at home for company debts without a personal guarantee. Directors can recover damages. More.

How do I apply to the court to get my laptop with sensitive data back from the bailiffs?

Bailiffs removing electronic devices may risk unauthorized access to sensitive data and financial crime, posing liability risks for creditors. More.

Can I stop the bailiff from enforcing a debt older than 12 months?

A Notice of Enforcement is valid for 12 months. After this, bailiffs cannot take control of goods or take money. More.

Can I stop bailiffs from demanding fees if I’ve already paid the debt to the creditor?

Once you pay the debt directly with the creditor or the court stops enforcement, the bailiff cannot recover fees or take control of your goods. More.

Why does the bailiff claim the warrant is 'against my vehicle' when it was addressed to a person?

Bailiffs' claim that a warrant is issued "against a vehicle" is incorrect; warrants are issued against a debtor, not a vehicle. More.

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